Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Quilt for Mom

I'm so happy to be done with this quilt. Not only am I pretty satisfied with it, but the damn freemotion quilting was giving me quite the workout. I'm still a newbie at this quilting business, not to mention this freemotion business, so it was trying at times. I know it's not supposed to be that difficult, but I don't really have adequate space (I've covered this territory, I know) and without the quilt's ability to lay flat, I struggled with keeping it where I wanted under the needle. And, since my piecing technique for the pinwheels was not textbook, the centerpoint of all the pinwheels were stacked high with fabric and I broke about 4 needles trying to quilt over those stacks. Not too bright. Took me 4 needles to stop fighting it. Duh.

In any case, it's ready to be sent off to mom as a little get well present. And now, I'm a huge fan of freemotion quilting as you really feel like you're drawing with the needle and thread onto the fabric.

(More pics off the link on the right under Completed.)

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