Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sick day

Today was a sick day. I've been dancing around the sore-throat-bush for quite some time and it finally took hold of me and whacked me over the head with its thorny branches Sunday night. I had to go to work Monday morning, but took leave as soon as I could. And this morning, it was worse. Anyway, enough woo-is-me. I had slept a total of 17 hours yesterday and even though I feel like I'm under water, I couldn't just lay in bed staring at the imperfections in my ceiling paint. No no, I had to do something. Anything.

Boredom + Restlessness + BIG reprodepot.com order

+ Betsy Ross Pattern = One For All Shoulder Bag.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the shoulder bag! jean