Monday, August 28, 2006

STILL learning from my mistakes.

OK. I got it. I understand. I just have to keep knitting, build up experience and learn from my mistakes. I'm tired of learning. I just want one project to go smoothly. So, the doggie sweater - which I haven't even posted yet - was too small. Or I like to think that my puggy is too big. And then the crocheting mishap turn Mr. Yarn war... that was just ugly. But now, there's Monsieur Cat.

I had extra yarn leftover from that crazy bonnet, and when I flipped through my Lucinda Guy's Handknits for Kids book, there was a pattern that called for that yarn exactly! Just my luck! It was for a Monsieur Cat! How lovely - a cute little toy I could even keep for myself (but probably give away).

I just don't even know what the heck I'm doing.
1) The pattern wants me to CO in the middle to increase. Never done that before - just wing it.
2) Use different colors within the same row. Oh, ok - read that somewhere - stranding or intarsia. I guess this would just be stranding.

Hold on. Wait a second. Just stranding. Not so much. I stranded too tight and now Monsieur Cat looks like he went on a diet. F'ing fantastic.

3) And. My first time purling 2 together through the back of the loop. That's just stupid. To twist them, my Knitting for Dummies tells me. It's a stupid cat. Stupid stitches don't have to be twisted. My hand cramped up for goodness sake.

Oh, and I forgot that I need stuffing.

This little toy seemed sooooooooooo innocent.

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